Skottles And Bottles George Atchison Talks Overlanding, Overlap With Track Enthusiasts And The Atlanta Car Scene

We recently had a chance to sit down with George Atchison, founder of the non-profit Overlanding group Skottles and Bottles.
Tell Me A Little Bit About Yourself Personally
I’ve been in the local Atlanta car scene since 2003. Involved in the peak of ImportAtlanta. My passions revolve around anything motorsports or off-road. As I’ve gotten older my fall through spring activities involve taking my rig camping or travelling the US, while my summer activities include track/mountain runs and attending local meets. I’ve driven and explored cross country three times so far with my wife, Julie Atchison, who has been my biggest supporter and friend sharing the same passions as me. We’ve created multiple successful communities and projects in hopes of bringing people together.
Tell Me A Little Bit About Your Car Background – Your Passion For Cars/Trucks Goes Well Beyond Overlanding, Doesn’t It?
I enjoy HPDE events, car meets, mountain runs and anything in between when I’m not travelling across the US or camping. As someone graduating high school and getting my license when the first Fast and Furious was releasing I got to experience a lot in the Atlanta car scene as it grew from that time.
Tell Us About Your Personal Enthusiast Vehicle(s)
I’ve built many different vehicles from Subarus to Nissan to mostly Fords. My wife and I have built three S550s ranging from 850whp Supercharged Coyotes to bolt on Ecoboosts. I’m currently building my second Fiesta ST for track after selling my first big turbo Fiesta last year. We currently are also in progress building an Explorer ST, touching 500AWHP she’s awaiting install of a set of Pure Turbos. For the overland and off-road scene we also own a carbon fiber widebody long travel Ford Ranger built in California. I truly enjoy all builds no matter the brand, but most importantly enjoy hanging with anyone that has a positive attitude in any community
Tell Me About Skottles And Bottles. What Lead You To Start It? How Is It Different Than What Else Is Out There?
I feel there’s a big portion of Atlanta car scene OGs that have gotten older that now have a passion for Overlanding. Not only that, a younger generation that are sharing a passion of building rigs old and new. I wanted to start an event that has a very different vibe from what most are probably used to. Originally we started the event to help local breweries earn money coming out of a post COVID world while kick-starting events for the local groups.
Talk To Us About Your Monthly Meets
Our events are completely free for attendees, their families and pets. We cycle two key locations – 4 Wheel Parts in Kennesaw and Sweetwater Taproom.
You Are Coming Up On Your 3rd Anniversary And Have A Big Meet Planned?
Yep! While our anniversary is officially August, due to the heat we moved our charity anniversary event to the Fall. We hold two to three charity focused events per year.
What Do You Think The Car/Truck Scene Needs Most?
Better events and more of them. Events and meets make the local scenes better, but when it becomes more about business related promotion it becomes less about the community. More grassroot enthusiast driven events.
Editors Comment: Yes!!
What’s Your Can’t Miss Atlanta Car/Truck Event (besides your own events)?
Formula Drift Atlanta hands down. Been attending since 2005.
How To Find Skottles And Bottles Events
Want to check out a Skottles and Bottles Event? Hop over to their Facebook page to learn more. We also expect to get George out to an upcoming track day so we can check out this Fiesta ST track build.