Here in Atlanta, we’re pretty spoiled with the number of tracks, drag strips and places to drift within an hour or two of us. In fact, there probably aren’t many other cities with such an abundance of choice.
If you pull the circle just a little further out to 4 hours, the length the vast majority of us are willing to go to do a track day, race, drift or drag race event the number jumps substantially. And if you happen to be near Nashville, you will soon go from a single option, NCM to up to 3. 4 if you count the Nashville Speedway.
When it comes to drag strips, a lot has been made of recent closures. And while drag racing itself may be struggling, a number of drag strips are embracing additional forms of racing. And with that they are pivoting to motorsports parks that feature several types of on track activities.
In this article we’re going to discuss all of the substantial changes coming to tracks within about 4 hours of Atlanta. And it’s pretty exciting.
New Road Course Tracks Near Atlanta
Within 4 hours of Atlanta we have: Atlanta Motorsports Park, Road Atlanta, Barber Motorsports Park, Roebling Road, Talladega Gran Prix and Roebling Road. And that’s before considering that for Atlanta Motor Speedway and Charlotte offer autocross, road course and drag racing.
And yet, we have several new tracks that should be open in the next year or two in that circle.
Flatrock Motorsports Park
Flatrock Motorsports Park is a semi-private track being built about an hour west of Knoxville. Originally planned to be just outside of Knoxville in Oak Ridge, Flatrock was forced to move a little further out. The trade off though is a bigger track with more amenities. At full buildout Flatrock is expected to have 34 turns and 6 miles of course. The initial GP circuit will be 2.6 miles. Other amenities are expected to include a brewery, winery, amphitheater and more. A private driving club with members facilities, known as Flatrock Motorclub, will provide provide a motorsports country club experience.
The most recent update we have is dirt is moving at Flatrock Motorsports Park, so we do expect this to happen.
Flatrock Motorsports Park will be about 3 hours from Atlanta up I-75 in Tennessee between Chattanooga and Knoxville.
Tennessee Downs
Just about an hour from Chattanooga up I-24 will be Tennessee Downs Auto Club. That’s right, Chattanooga will soon have 2 brand news tracks about an hour each direction from it. Tennessee Downs promises to be a destination, featuring not just a track but Whiskey and Guitars. It’s designed not just as a track, but a complete entertainment destination.
The most recent update we have is this track is still in the design phase, so we hope to see dirt move soon.
New Drift Tracks Near Atlanta
Drifting is taking hold in a big way. Not only does Atlanta have Lanier Raceplex as a nearly dedicated drift track, but drifting events are popping up at Atlanta Motor Speedway, Atlanta Motorsports Park and Road Atlanta.
Some of Georgia’s last remaining 1/4 drag strips are also getting into the game by expanding their offerings.
Silver Dollar Motorsports Park
Silver Dollar Motorsports Park has begun working on building a drift/small road course on their property. The owners have said that they will likely require crowd sourced funding in order to complete the circuit, which is currently just graded dirt, the opportunity to bring a drift circuit to Central Georgia would be ideal.
The most recent update we have is that fund raising is likely needed before final grading and paving can begin.
South Georgia Motorsports Park
South Georgia Motorsports Park, often known as SGMP, recently changed ownership. This multi-motorsports park has always featured an oval course and drag strip. But the new ownership, sensing changing trends and opportunity, recently announced they would be embracing Drifting. Initially expect the drift course to be run on the existing oval circuit. However, as ambitious as the new ownership group is don’t expect it to say simple for long.
The most recent update we have is that this is happening using existing facilities, but expect improvements in the future if successful.