Let’s Boogie & Beyond Car Show and Festival

185 W Crogan St NW, Lawrenceville, GA 30046-4941, United States

Please join Beyond the RIbbon for it's annual "Let's Boogie & Beyond"car show and music festival! The funds raised from this event will assist those that have been diagnosed with <a href="http://cancer." target="_blank" title="cancer.">cancer.

Kartel Taco Tuesdays

Cabo's Mex Grill Buford

Hanging out at Cabo's weekly / Taco Tuesday specials / to-go Margaritas / free Kartel swagDrink responsibly, drive safely, and damn well better enjoy yourself 😂https://www.facebook.com/events/553488494384035/?event_time_id=553488611050690

Locals and Legends – Weekly Car Meet – Sake in Roswell, GA

Sake Japanese Steak & Sushi

📣The wait is OVER!!-@locals_and_legends returns with our friends at Sake in Roswell, Thursdays from 6-9PM . -‼️⚠️Please treat our gracious hosts with respect and respect all posted rules. Please enjoy delicious 🍣🍱 Sushi, Hibachi, or a drink from their bar. .🅿️LEAVE THE FRONT TWO ROWS OPEN for regular guests as the car-meet will start on …

Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta

Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta

PRE track days at Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta's world class motorsports <a href="http://facility.We" target="_blank" title="facility.We">facility.We run three groups, Advanced, Intermediate, and Novice. There will be eight sessions in twenty minute rotations for each <a href="http://group.PRE" target="_blank" title="group.PRE">group.PRE Events do not require a membership, and all riders receive free entry to the track facility, free camping, …


5301 Winder Highway, Braselton, GA

Every Friday Night Unique layouts at every event!You never know what layout you will be drifting.... And you never know who will show up on track....FND is a practice-style event with lots of seat time.Back to Back runs all night!This is a beginner-friendly event! Layouts are designed to be beginner inclusive & challenge even the …

4th Annual Gibbs Community Car Show

Gibbs High School (Corryton, Tennessee)

Come join us for a day of fun and help support the Gibbs High Marching Eagles!When? - Saturday, April 20th, 2024.Gates and registration open at 9AM.Rain date is the following Saturday, April 27<a href="http://th.Vehicle" target="_blank" title="th.Vehicle">th.Vehicle entry preregistration fee is $15.Day of the event is $20Craft and swap meet vendor spots will be available.Preregistration fee …

DEUTSCHER AUTO ZIRKUS ‘C&O German Edition Car Show’

Caffeine and Octane Lanier Raceway

SATURDAY, APRIL 19THDEUTSCHER AUTO ZIRKUS - GERMAN MAKES AUTO SHOWCASEPRESENTED BY GMP PERFORMANCEThis German-only event is open to all generations & includes a full day of activities: car show, awards, on-track autocross battles, ax throwing, German food, game area, special guests, raffles, & more....STAY TUNED FOR SPECIAL EXHIBITION ANNOUNCEMENTS COMING SOON!11:00AM- GATES OPEN TO SHOW …

FuelFest Atlanta

Atlanta Motor Speedway

Atlanta year 1 was so FIRE we couldn’t wait a whole 12 months to do it all over again! That’s right, we’re back for year 2 on April 19th, the perfect kickoff to the show season! FuelFest Atlanta is bigger and better with more cars, more music, more drifting and action than ever! You all …

Vintage Class Car Meet

Pickneyville - Hockey Rink

Burn Unit/Black Cloud Battalion hosts this monthly old schoolers car meet. All models 1989 and older welcome ... Rain or shine ...All ages ... #VintageClassMeethttps://www.facebook.com/events/1367013821328844/?event_time_id=1367013854662174

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