Kei Cars Will Be Waiting A Little Longer To Be Legal In Georgia Again

Update: Georgia Kei Car Law Stalls
As reported by 11 Alive and other news outlets, the feared “stall” of a bill working through Georgia’s senate that would once again allow the DMV to register Kei cars for road use. The senate version of the House Bill would have created usage and registration standards for the Kei and other mini vehicles.
Earlier this year House Bill 1239 passed with overwhelming support (168-1), but did not make it to a fuill vote in the Georgia senate.
Even if the bill had passed, it would have stopped short of allowing unrestricted use and registrations. Kei cars would be limited to neighborhood and county roads.
Attorney’s hired by Kei car owners continue to press the issue. And as we have said, Georgia’s reasoning for banning them under the general guide of “safety” does not seem to hold up given a number of other vehicles that do not meet the same safety standard sited are allowed on all Georgia roads without restriction.
Original Article – Kei Cars May Soon Be Legal Again In Georgia
After a significant blow back from the enthusiast and collector community, as well as those who in general saw it as government overreach, Japanese Kei cars may soon be legal to register in Georgia again. Last year, Georgia advised tag offices that Japanese Kei vehicles, the mini trucks and other vehicles that have become popular imports, did not meet US safety standards.
In addition to denying new registrations, and canceling existing ones, the policy advised against registrations of any vehicle without a 17 digit VIN. There were numerous reports of other JDM and imported vehicles, even those that were not considered “Kei” vehicles, being denied registration. JDM enthusiasts and car owners were left scrambling.
All that may come to an end soon thanks to a new bill proposed in Georgia. Rep. Jay Collins has introduced House Bill 1239, which would create usage and registration standards for the mini vehicles. While the bill would stop short of allowing unrestricted use and registrations. Kei cars would be limited to neighborhood and county roads.
The legislation appears to be modeled after rules that allow side by sides and certain golf carts to be registered and driven on public roads, but after then restricted from high speed state roads and interstate highways.
Georgia House Bill 1239 passed and is now pending in Senate committee.